Libros sobre sombreros
Bibliografía comentada. Los siguientes libros están en la colección Village Hats. Todos los comentarios son responsabilidad de Fred Belinsky. Dirigir consultas a No vendemos libros, sólo sombreros.
The Panama Hat Trail: A Journey From South Americapor Tom Miller. William Morrow &Amp; Co., 1986. |
La Ruta de los Panamaspor Tom Miller, Debate, 2003. |
Panama: A Legendary Hatpor Martine Buchet con fotografías de Laziz Hamani. Editions Assouline, 1995. |
El Sombrero De Paja Toquillapor Miguel Ernesto Dominguez, Banco Central del Ecuador, 1991. |
Tejiendo la vida . . .por Maria Leonor Aquilar de Tamariz, Centro Interamericano de Artesanias y Artes Populares, CIDAP, 1988. |
Hatless Jack: The President, the Fedora, and the History of an American Stylepor Neil Steinberg, PLUME (Penquin Group), 2004. |
Saturday Night Hatpor Eugenia Kim. |
The Mode In Hats And Headdresspor R. Turner Wilcox. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1945. |
The Man In The Bowler Hat: His History and Iconographypor Fred Miller Robinson. Prensa de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, 1993. |
The Hatpor Tomi Ungerer. Parents' Magazine Press, 1970. |
Crowns: Portraits of Black Women In Church Hatspor Michael Cunningham & Craig Marberry, Doubleday, 2000. |
GILDEDpor Catherine Karp. Xlibris Corporation, 2000. |
BOWLER HATS AND STETSONS: Stories of Englishmen in the Wild Westpor Colin Richards. Bonanza Books, 1966. |
A YEAR IN HATS 2000un calendario con ilustraciones de Pamela Kogen y caligrafía de Paul Shaw. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1999. |
The Cowboy Hat Bookpor William Reynolds y Ritch Rand |
Hats: Design And Constructionpor Stella V. Ramiasz, 1982. |
MAGRITTE: The True Art Of Paintingpor Harry Torczyner. Abradale Press/Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1979. |
Mad Hatterpor Georgia Helm. Meteor, 1992. |
The Romance Of Hats By The Editors Of Victoria MagazineHearst Books, 1994. |
DRESSED FOR THE OCCASION: What Americans Wore 1620-1970por Brandon Marie Miller. Lerner Publications Company, 1999. |
Arts Of The Amazonpor Barbara Braun (Editor), Peter G. Roe (Editor) |
AFRICAN HATS AND JEWELRYpor Duncan Clarke. Chartwell Books, Inc, 1998. |
Crowning Achievements: African Arts Of Dressing The Headpor Mary Jo Arnoldi y Christine Kreamer. Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Universidad de California Los Angeles, 1995. |
Headdresses Of The Chinese Minority Nationality Womenpor Xi Yixi. China Film Press, 1989 |
HAT TRICKS: 80 Instant Makeovers that Transform Ordinary Hats into Fabulous Creationspor Terence Terry. Lark Books, 1998 |
The Hat Bookpor Rodney Smith y Leslie Smolan |
Mens Hatspor Adele Campione. Cronicle Books, 1988 |
Newspaper Hatmanship Explained Step By Steppor Paul Amber, abuelo de nueve. Succinic Press, no fecha |
Ninteenth Century Hat Maker's And Felter's ManualsCompilada por Suzanne Pufpaff. Stony Lonesome Press, 1995. |
Omaggio Al Cappello: A Tribute To The Hateditado de Mario Carrieri, Giuseppe Trevisani, y Massimo Vignelli. Arte Grafiche A. Pizzi, 1957 |
Sixty Years of Kangol Quality - 1938-1998por Nigel Watson. Nigel Watson Histories, 1998. |
The Way You Wear Your Hat: Frank Sinatra And The Lost Art Of Livin'por Bill Zehme. Harper Collins, 1997. |
HATS: A History Of Fashion In Headwearpor Hilda Amphlett. Richard Sadler, Editor, 1974. |
THE CENTURY OF HATS: Headturning Style of the Twentieth Centurypor Susie Hopkins. Chartwell Books, Inc., 1999. |
Hats: Status, Style And Glamourpor Colin McDowell. Rizzoli, 1992 |
A PAGEANT OF HATS: Ancient and Modernpor Ruth Edwards Kilgour. Robert M. McBride, Co, 1958. |
The Top Hat: An Illustrated Historypor Debbie Henderson. |
The Collectors Encyclopedia Of Hatpins And Hatpin Holderspor Lillian Baker. Autopublicado, 1993. |
Vintage Hats & Bonnets 1770-1970por Susan Langley, Collector Books, 1998. |
Mr Lock Of St. James Streetpor Frank Whitbourn. William Heinemann Ltd, 1971. |
The Handmade Felt Hatpor Debbie Henderson. |
HATS OFF TO JOHN STETSONpor Mary Blount Christian. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992. |
Stetson Hats And The John B. Stetson CompanyStetson Company |
Hats And The Cowboys Who Wear Thempor Texas Bix Bender. Gibbs-Smith, 1994 |
Womens Hats: II Cappello Da Donnapor Adele Campione. Cronicle Books, 1989. |
HATSA Pepin Press Design Book, 2000. |
Women Hats Of The 20th Century: For Designers And Collectors With Price Guidepor Maureen Reilly and Beth Detrich. Schiffler, 1997. |
Hats: A Stylish History And Collectors Guidepor Joy Shields. Clarkson Potter, 1991. |
Hats: With Valuespor Desire Smith. Schiffler Publishing, 1996 |
Hats In Vogue Since 1910por Christina Probert. Abbeville Press, 1981. |
TERMS OF ADORNMENT: The Ultimate Guide To Accessoriespor Deborah Chase. HarperCollins, 1999. |